shuttle through_shuttle through the wood

       我很了解shuttle through这个话题,并且可以为您提供一系列的信息和建议。请告诉我您需要了解什么。


2.《忏魂曲》《第十三双眼睛》《黑色星期五》 歌词中英文都要,谢谢!


4.know 的用法

shuttle through_shuttle through the wood



       Night comes too late

       Miss I miss take-off flight night long and thin

       Ups and downs in my eyes

       I waited too long for too long

       The shuttle in the birds of dawn

       The inverse and the direction of the wind (I miss her draughty wings).

       The thirteenth pairs of eyes were used forsad

       Be lost in the night for me thinking of you with flower petals the windows

       Dont know I in your dream open thirteenth pairs of eyes

       You are silent,Im in your dream planted the seeds

       I know are you in a dream to sing the songs of birds

       And I know you are parting tears

       But the thirteenth pairs of eyes rising in corn field

       Light down through the night

       I want to hear you sing to the dawn bird knows the blooming season

       In my dreams I tell you please forgive me slowly

       Because the night will be out

       I want you to know HL open in your dreams

       I want you to know you are my dream

       And I want you to know I am the night Kings







       那穿梭于黎明的鸟儿 逆与风的方向(我的思念是她御风的双翼)

       啊 那第十三双眼睛被用于哀伤


       却不知道 我在你的梦中睁开了第十三双眼睛


       我知道是 你在梦里唱着鸟儿的歌

       我还知道 你就是离别时的泪水







       我要你知道 我的红莲开在你的梦里

       我要你知道 我是你的守梦人

       我要你知道 我是夜的君王


《忏魂曲》《第十三双眼睛》《黑色星期五》 歌词中英文都要,谢谢!


       May I see your passport, please?


       Where are you staying?


       Here is my passport / Here it is.


       I will stay at Boston Hotel.


       What‘s the purpose of your visit?


       Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?




       Yes, here it is.


       How long will you be staying in the United States?


       How much money do you have with you?


       5 days.


       I have 800 dollars.


       I plan to stay for about 10 days.


       Good. Have a nice day.


       I’m just passing through.


       Thank you.


       I am leaving for Geneva tonight.








       Where can I get my baggage?


       It‘s a small ovemight bag. It’s light brown.


       I can‘find my baggage.


       Please wait for a moment while we are investigating.


       Here is my claim tag.


       We may have lost some baggage so we’d like to make a lost baggage report.

       Would you come with me to the office?



       Could you please check it urgently?


       How soon will I find out?


       How many pieces of baggage have you lost?


       Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you‘ve located it.


       Can you describe your baggage?


       How can you help me if you can’t find my baggage today?


       It is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it‘s gray.


       I’d like to purchase what I need for the night.


       It is a large leather suitcase with my name tag.

       It‘s dark blue.








       Your passport and declaration card, please.


       This is a souvenir that I’m taking to Taiwan.


       Do you have anything to declare?


       Do you have any liquor or cigarettes?


       No, I don‘t.


       Yes, I have two bottles of whisky.


       Please open this bag.


       The camera is for my personal use.


       What are these?


       ou’ll have to pay duty on this.


       These are for my personal use.


       Do you have any other baggage?


       These are gifts for my friends.


       O.K. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit.




       国际机场皆设有「旅游咨询中心」(TOURIST INFORMATION),举凡住宿、





       Where is the tourist information?


       Can you recommend a hotel which is not too expensive?


       Is there an airport bus to the city?


       Is there a hotel which costs under 50 dollars a night?


       Where is the bus stop(taxi stand)?


       Could you recommend a hotel in the city center?


       Where can I get the limousine for Hilton Hotel?


       I‘d like to stay at a hotel near the station (beach).


       How can I get to Hilton Hotel?


       How much is it per night?


       Do you have a hotel list?


       Does it include tax and service charge?


       Can I have a youth hostel list?


       Is breakast included?


       May I have a city map?


       Is there a discount for staying several days?


       Can I reserve a hotel(rent a car)here?


       I’d like to stay for two nights.






       Hello. This is United Airlines.


       I‘d like to reconfirm my flight.


       What’s your name and flight number?


       My name is Jerry Cheng, and the flight number

       is UA 003 for Los Angeles.



       When is it?June 10th.


       I’d like to make sure of the time it leaves.


       I can‘t find your name. Really?


       May I have your name again?


       I still can’t find your name on

       the reservation list.



       Anyway, we have seats for new bookings on

       this flight. No problem.


       One economy class seat, is that right?


       Now you have been booked.


       Thanks a lot. What time do you start check-in?


       Two hours before departure time.


       You must check-in at least one hour before.



       Then, please give me a new reservation.


       Sorry, this flight is full.


       What is the possibility of my getting

       a seat if I wait?


       When will the next flight to Los Angeles leave?


       The day after tomorrow, Friday.


       That will be fine. What‘s the flight

       number and departure time?


       What is the fare?




       机场费 airport fee

       出站(出港、离开) departures

       国际机场 international airport

       登机手续办理 check-in

       国内机场 domestic airport

       登机牌 boarding pass (card)

       机场候机楼 airport terminal

       护照检查处 passport control immigration

       国际候机楼 international terminal

       行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

       国际航班出港 international departure

       国际航班旅客 international passengers

       国内航班出站 domestic departure

       中转 transfers

       卫星楼 satellite

       中转旅客 transfer passengers

       入口 in

       中转处 transfer correspondence

       出口 exit; out; way out

       过境 transit

       进站(进港、到达) arrivals

       报关物品 goods to declare

       不需报关 nothing to declare

       贵宾室 V.I.P. room

       海关 customs

       购票处 ticket office

       登机口 gate; departure gate

       付款处 cash

       候机室 departure lounge

       出租车 taxi

       航班号 FLT No (flight number)

       出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point

       来自…… arriving from

       大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point

       预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)

       航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service

       实际时间 actual

       租车处 car hire

       已降落 landed

       公共汽车 bus; coach service

       前往…… departure to

       公用电话 public phone; telephone

       起飞时间 departure time

       厕所 toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room

       延误 delayed

       男厕 men’s; gent‘s; gentlemen’s

       登机 boarding

       女厕 women‘s; lady’s

       由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures

       餐厅 restaurant

       迎宾处 greeting arriving

       酒吧 bar

       由此上楼 up; upstairs

       咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe

       由此下楼 down; downstairs

       免税店 duty-free shop

       银行 bank

       邮局 post office

       货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange

       出售火车票 rail ticket

       订旅馆 hotel reservation

       旅行安排 tour arrangement

       行李暂存箱 luggage locker

       行李牌 luggage tag


       飞机票 endorsements/restrictions

       前往城市 to

       旅客姓名 name of passenger

       承运人 carrier

       旅行经停地点 good for passage between

       航班号 flight no.

       起点城市 from

       座舱等级 class

       起飞日期 date

       机号 plane No.

       起飞时间 time

       机座号 seat No.

       订座情况 status

       吸烟坐位 smoking seat

       机票确认 ticket confirm

       非吸烟席 non-smoking seat

       登机口 gate

       Flight Number, Flight No. 航班号

       Gate 登机口

       North 北

       South 南

       East 东

       West 西

       Level 1 第一层(楼)

       Level 2 第二层(楼)

       Level 3 第三层 (楼)

       Shuttle 机场小巴

       Baggage Claim 行李认领

       Connecting flights counter 转机服务台

       Boarding Pass 登机牌

       Exit 出口

       Emergency Exit 紧急出口(只用作紧急状况时)

       Terminal 机场终端出口

       Telephone 电话

       Northwest Airlines 美西北航空公司

       Restroom 洗手间

       Men‘s 男洗手间

       Gentleman 男洗手间

       Women’s 女洗手间


       Airport 机场

       Air China 中国国航

       Air Ticket 飞机票

       Arrival 抵达

       Belt 带, 传送带

       Date 日期

       Time 时间

       Departure 出发

       Domestic 国内

       Take off 起飞

       Customer 顾客, 乘客

       Elevator, Lift 电梯

       Employee Only 只限工作人员进入

       Information 信息

       Information Center 问讯处

       International 国际

       No Entry 勿进

       No Smoking 严禁吸烟

       China 中国

       Chinese 中国人

       Customs 海关

       Customs declaration 海关申报表

       Foreign 外国的

       Foreigner 外国人

       Immigration 入境

       Itinerary 行程

       I-20 form 留学生身分表

       I-94 form 出入境表

       Name 姓名

       Nationals 国民

       Officer 官员

       Passport 护照

       Tax Free, duty free 免税

       Tourist 游客

       United States (U.S.) 美国

       Visa 签证

       Water 水

       Tea 茶

       Drink 饮料

       Coke 可乐

       Sprite 雪碧

       Pillow 枕头

       Blanket 毛毯

       soft drinks 饮料

       no ice please. 不加冰

       hot water 开水

       orange juice 橘子汁

       water 水

       apple juice 苹果汁

       tomato juice 番茄汁

       coke 可乐

       diet coke 无糖可乐

       hot tea 热茶

       coffee 咖啡

       chicken 鸡肉

       beef 牛肉

       fish 鱼

       vegetarian 吃素

       rice 米饭

       noodle 面条

       smashed potato 土豆泥


       姓 surname

       失效日期(或必须在…日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before)

       名 first (given) name

       停留期为…… for stays of

       性别 sex

       10天 ten days

       出生日期 birthdate

       8周 eight weeks

       国籍 nationality

       3个月 three months

       护照号 passport No.

       6个月 six months

       编号 control No.

       1年 one year

       签发地 Issue At

       3年 three years

       签发日期 Issue Date

       签证种类 visa type/class


       《黑色星期天》(原名《忧郁的星期天》) sunday is gloomy, 绝望的星期天, my hours are slumberless, 我的时间在沉睡, dearest, the shadows i live with are numberless , 亲爱的,我生活在无数暗影中 little white flowers will never awaken you , 白色的小花将不再能唤醒你 not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you 黑色的悲伤轿车(灵车!)上载着你 angels have no thought of ever returning you 天使们将不会回顾到你 would they be angry if i thought of joining you 他们是不是愤怒了因为我想加入你 gloomy sunday 绝望的星期天 sunday is gloomy 星期天是绝望的 with shadows i spend it all 和暗影一起我将它结束 my heart and i have decided to end it all 我的心脏和我都相信这是它的终结 soon there''ll be flowers and prayers that are sad, 很快这里的鲜花和祈祷文将是悲伤的, i know, let them not weep, 我知道,(这祷文)让他们不哭泣, let them know that i''m glad to go 让他们知道我很高兴离开 death is no dream, 死亡不是梦 for in death i''m caressing you 因为我在死亡中爱抚着你 with the last breath of my soul i''ll be blessing you 在我灵魂最后的呼吸中我祝福你 gloomy sunday 绝望的星期天 dreaming 梦中 i was only dreaming 我不只是在梦中 i wake and i find you 我醒来并且寻找你 asleep in the deep of 我的心脏陷入深深的睡眠 my heart dear 亲爱的 darling i hope that my dream never haunted you 心上人我希望我的梦不会让你苦恼 my heart is telling you how much i wanted you 我的心脏告诉你我有多么想你 gloomy sunday 绝望的星期天 忏魂曲 嗅着血液的芬芳 我找到安魂的殿堂 一片破败景象 幽灵放荡歌唱 黑色迷迭香绽放 藤蔓蜿蜒生长 灵魂张望 信仰血色的月光 嗅着血液的芬芳 我找到安魂的殿堂 长发的吸血女王 推开尘封的窗 枯树枝影照她的脸庞 清纯如少女一样 她幽怨的声线 与亡灵一起咏唱 心爱的人啊 你是否还记得我模样 我入葬的晚上 你是否一直悲伤 嗅着血液的芬芳 我找到安魂的殿堂 远处横陈的雕像 断臂隐藏在一旁 那是女神的狂想 用中指指示方向 红色的小花开在她的身旁 那是天堂 前面有一处深渊 小河淙淙流淌 鲜血一样的河水 灌溉嗜血的渴望 那是女王的汤盘 盛放变质的浓汤 她会掐断花的脖颈 问它是否哀伤 远方的爱人啊 是否记得我模样 我血流不止的时候 你是否一直悲伤 嗅着血液的芬芳 我找到安魂的殿堂 日与月璀璨消长 我却只能见到月亮 她有教人沉迷的味道 血红的浓郁和银白的清香 女王低声吟唱 断颈的小花躺在她的脚旁 它们喜欢阴冷的地方 隐藏在深渊枯树旁 每一个死寂的夜晚 聆听血液在地下隐秘的声响 它们喜欢诡异的咏唱 和死灵的歌声一样 唱的是奢想的报复 还是寥落的绝望 远去的爱人啊 你是否记得我模样 当我俯视我的葬礼的时候 为何没有碰上你的目光 嗅着血液的芬芳 我找到安魂的殿堂 那里的花是一个模样 都在静静的生长 如果没有静谧的月光 怎会如此阴凉 破败的草地 散发腐烂的幽香 美貌的精灵 在宫殿秘密的徜徉 她们也在思念谁 带着回忆的哀伤 藤曼葱郁缠绕 隐藏复仇欲望 等待那天到来 品尝血一样味道的汤 最爱的人啊 你是否也和我一样 等待爱的来临 我们被一起埋葬 嗅着血液的芬芳 我找到安魂的殿堂 生命肆意生长 暸望无尽忧伤 花朵低头歌唱 歌唱不死主张 拥有曼莎珠华的地方回忆一定在绽放 远去少年背影 嵌在含泪的眼眶 没人祝福的爱情 不会因此灭亡 有人选择懦弱 有人决定坚强 蓝色忧郁的河流可否洗刷过往 亘古的约定 可否有人坚守不忘 软弱的借口和随意的敷衍 扼杀了一朵美丽的花 那美丽在等待中枯萎变成伤变成恨变成血腥的渴望 我要找到他无论他是否变了模样 我会记得他的眼神 曾经那样清透 我会记得他的誓言 曾经那样响亮 我会记得他的背叛 曾经那样让我离去的仓皇 他已经离去用我温柔又冰凉的掌 他会很幸福 因为没有了我的阻挡 我重新回到属于我的地方 因为爱 我放弃了自己 又一次独自在阴暗徜徉 可怜的女王和她的花儿一样 最终选择独自喝下那一份血一样的汤 亲爱的人啊 不论你去向何方 请无意中想起 你曾经美丽的新娘 爱情转入坟墓的瞬间,已经意味着消亡。一切的悲鸣,都是生者的自我感伤 MEMORIA DA NOITE Madrugada, o porto adormeceu, amor, a lúa abanea sobre as ondas piso espellos antes de que saia o sol na noite gardei a túa memoria. Perderei outra vez a vida cando rompa a luz nos cons, perderei o día que aprendín a bicar palabras dos teus ollos sobre o mar, perderei o día que aprendín a bicar palabras dos teus ollos sobre o mar. Veu o loito antes de vir o rumor, levouno a marea baixo a sombra. Barcos negros sulcan a maá sen voz, as redes baleiras, sen gaivotas. E dirán, contarán mentiras para ofrecerllas ao Patrón: quererán pechar cunhas moedas, quizais, os teus ollos abertos sobre o mar, quererán pechar cunhas moedas, quizais, os teus ollos abertos sobre o mar. Madrugada, o porto despertou, amor, o reloxo do bar quedou varado na costeira muda da desolación. Non imos esquecer, nin perdoalo. Volverei, volverei á vida cando rompa a luz nos cons porque nós arrancamos todo o orgullo do mar, non nos afundiremos nunca máis que na túa memoria xa non hai volta atrás: non nos humillaredes NUNCA MIS 《第十三双眼睛》 夜来的太晚太晚了,错过了我思念起飞的航程 夜又细又长,起伏在我的眉间 我等得太久太久了,那穿梭于黎明的鸟儿 逆与风的方向 (我的思念是她御风的双翼) 啊 那第十三双眼睛被用于哀伤,被用于失落 我在夜里想着你铺满花瓣的窗子 却不知道,我在你的梦中睁开了 第十三双眼睛 你的梦是无声的,我在你的梦里种下了莲子 我知道,是你在梦里唱着鸟儿的歌 我还知道,你就是离别时的泪水 可是那第十三双眼睛 升起于麦地 照亮失望 划破了夜的伤口 我只愿听你的歌到破晓 鸟儿知晓了花开的季节, 我在梦中告诉了你 请原谅我的姗姗,因为夜将熄 我要你知道,我的红莲开在你的梦里 我要你知道,我是你的守梦人 我要你知道,我是夜的君王 The night comes too late too late, missed my thoughts of the voyage. Night thin and long, rolling in my eyebrows. I waited too long for too long, the dawn of the birds that shuttle, reverse the direction of the wind! (I miss the wings of her Yufeng ) ah that thirteen pairs of eyes were used in sorrw,be used to lose! I think of you in the night the windows covered with flower petals! Do not know,I dream in your eyes open the thirteenth! Your dreams are silent,I planted the seeds your dreams! I know you dream of singing birds in the song! I also know that you are parting tears But that thirteenth eyes,raisd in Medina,light down,cut through the night wound I only wish to listen to your songs to the dawn Birds known to bloom season,Itold you in my dreams Please forive me slowly,as the night will be off I want you to know that my HL open in your dreams I'll let you know,I keep your dream person I'll let you know I was the night of the king!

know 的用法


       Badminton, game for two or four players using lightweight rackets and a shuttlecock, a cork ball fitted with stabilizing feathers. Players hit the shuttlecock back and forth over a net, trying to keep it from hitting the ground. Some people play badminton outdoors on a level grassy area or beach. However, tournament-level badminton is played indoors on a specially marked court.

       Badminton’s governing body, the International Badminton Federation (IBF), has about 140 member nations. The IBF estimates that about 200 million people play the game worldwide and that more than 1,000 players participate in international competition. Badminton’s growth accelerated after the game’s debut as a medal sport during the 1992 Summer Olympic Games. China, Denmark, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea are just a few of the countries where badminton is popular.


       International rules state that an indoor badminton court must be rectangular, with white lines marked on a level wooden floor or on a special mat that is rolled onto a level playing surface. A singles court is 44 ft (13.41 m) long and 17 ft (5.18 m) wide. For doubles, alleys 1 ft 6 in (0.46 m) wide along the two longer sides of the court come into play, making the court 20 ft (6.10 m) wide. Because many shots fly high into the air, there must be clearance of at least 30 ft (9.14 m) above the court. A net stretched across the middle of the court has a top edge set to a height of 5 ft (1.52 m) at the center and 5 ft 1 in (1.55 m) at the posts.


       Badminton rackets weigh between 3.5 and 5 oz (99 and 141 g) and consist of a leather or terrycloth handle; a long, thin shaft; and a stringed area called the head. Official rules limit the total length of a racket to 26.75 in (67.95 cm). The head of a racket measures 11 in (28 cm) in length and 8.6 in (21.8 cm) in width and is strung with synthetic nylon or gut at between 25 and 35 lb (11.3 and 15.9 kg) of tension. Early rackets were made of wood, but badminton rackets are now commonly made of aluminum, boron, graphite, and titanium.

       Tournament-quality shuttlecocks, also called shuttles or birdies, weigh 0.2 oz (5.7 gm) and consist of 16 goose feathers that protrude from one side of a ball-shaped cork base. Most shuttles used by casual players are plastic and have synthetic feathers. Both types of shuttles are 2.5 in (6.4 cm) long. When the shuttlecock is in the air, its aerodynamics cause it to spin so that when players hit it, they almost always strike the cork, not the feathers.


       Play begins with a serve from a service area on the right-hand side of the court to a receiver in a diagonally opposite service area across the net. To serve, the server stands behind the service line and strikes the cork base of the shuttle in an underhand motion. The receiver must then return the shuttle before it hits the ground, and the players hit the shuttle back and forth until one side fails to return it.

       Play ends when the shuttle hits the ground on one side of the court or when one player makes a fault, or error, such as hitting the shuttle into the net or out of bounds. Specific faults for servers include striking the feathers of the shuttle first or serving overhand. The receiver can be faulted for not being within the service court, for not having both feet on the floor when receiving, and for moving before the serve is made.

       During play, faults include hitting the shuttle into the roof or lights, hitting it through the net, double-hitting or slinging a shot, touching the net, playing a shot by reaching over the net, and allowing the shuttle to hit the player’s body. Unsportsmanlike conduct—such as intentionally distracting an opponent—will also earn a player a fault.


       Points are scored when the opponent fails to return the shuttle, hits it out of bounds, or earns a fault. Points only count for the server (or serving side in doubles), so keeping the service privilege is an important part of the game. If the server loses a rally or makes a fault, the service privilege passes to the opponent. In doubles, this immediate loss of service occurs only at the start of the game. After this first loss of service, each team receives two chances to hold serve. When the first teammate loses serve, the partner serves. If the partner loses serve, the opposing team takes over.

       In men’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles, the first side to score 15 points is the winner. Women’s singles games are played to 11 points. If the score is tied at 14-14 (or 10-10 in women’s singles) a system called setting settles the outcome. The first side that reached 14 (or 10) elects either to play through, meaning that the next side to win a point wins the game, or to set the game to three additional points, meaning that the first side to reach 17 points (or 13 in women’s singles) wins the game. Each badminton match is a best-of-three-games contest. Average matches last about 45 minutes, but professional matches can last more than 2 hours.

       Badminton tournaments involve a number of officials. A referee supervises the tournament organization while an umpire controls each match. Aided by a service judge, the umpire keeps score and rules on faults during play. Up to ten line judges rule on whether particular shots have landed in or out of the court.


       Badminton requires speed, strength, power, agility, and nerve. Players must move quickly from side to side and back and forth, and stamina is important.

       There are six key badminton strokes: the serve, drive, net shot, smash, lift (or lob), and clear. To hit these strokes, players use either a forehand or a backhand grip, depending on court positioning. On the forehand the forefinger acts as a lever and creates power and direction for the stroke. For the backhand the thumb creates this power and direction while placed along the back of the handle.

       Many players aim the serve toward the centerline of the opposite service box. This technique limits the angle of the opponent’s return shot. Sometimes players use long, high serves to force opponents to the back of the court. Players also make specialty serves, such as flick serves that barely clear the net or drive serves that are hit down the sideline of the service area, to catch opponents out of position.

       Once play has started, players tend to hit straight, low-flying shots called drives. When the shuttle remains close to the center of the court, net shots can be a good option. Net shots can be hard-hit or delicate. They are aimed at the front area of the opponent’s court, forcing the opponent to play the shot close to the net.

       If the opponent manages to return a net shot, the return must be hit high to clear the net. This gives the player a chance for a smash—the deadliest attacking stroke in badminton. A smash is hit to the floor so forcefully that the opponent has no chance to return the shuttle before it hits the ground. The hardest smash has been recorded at more than 160 mph (260 km/h).

       Players also use two looping strokes that knock the shuttle high and deep. The lift, or lob, is an offensive stroke made from the middle or front of the court. This shot sends the shuttle in a high arc above the opponent’s reach, forcing the opponent to the back of the court. The clear is a similar stroke, but it is used for defensive purposes when players find themselves out of position. The high arc gives players time to return to the middle of the court and to prepare for another rally.


       Many badminton enthusiasts play in clubs or at local and regional levels. Top players compete in the World Grand Prix series, an international circuit of tournaments sanctioned by the IBF.

       The world championships are badminton’s biggest event and are held every two years. The tournament features five competitions: men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles. The world championships are always preceded the previous week at the same venue by the Sudirman Cup world mixed team championships, where contests between nations are decided by five matches: men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles.

       Two of badminton’s most exciting events are the men’s Thomas Cup and the women’s Uber Cup. These world team championships, which take place every two years side by side at the same time and at the same venue, have continental qualifying rounds. Contests are staged in a round-robin format with knockout finals at both the qualifying stages in February and the grand finals in May. Thomas Cup and Uber Cup contests consist of three singles and two doubles matches.

       Other major events are the European championships, held every two years, and the Olympic Games and the Commonwealth Games, both held every four years.

       The IBF, located in Cheltenham, England, regulates all these events and is the sport’s governing body. Representatives from Canada, Denmark, England, France, Ireland, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales founded the organization in 1934. Today the IBF has about 140 member nations.


       Badminton traces its beginnings to a game played thousands of years ago in Asia. The modern form of the sport was refined in Britain, but it is popular in countries all over the world.

       A Beginnings

       Badminton evolved from a Chinese game of the 5th century bc called ti jian zi that involved kicking the shuttle. A later version of the sport was played in ancient Greece and India with rackets rather than with feet. A similar game called shuttlecock, or jeu de volant, appeared in Europe during the 1600s.

       British army officers brought a revised version of the game back to Britain from India in the mid-19th century. In 1873 the duke of Beaufort introduced the game to royalty at his country estate, Badminton House, and the sport became known as badminton. Four years later the Bath Badminton Club was founded. The version played by its members forms the basis for today’s game.

       B Growth in Popularity

       Badminton soon spread beyond Britain to the rest of Europe and to countries throughout the world. It became especially popular in Asia and North America. The only major change through the years was in playing equipment, as lightweight rackets made of aluminum, boron, graphite, and titanium gradually replaced wooden models.

       During and after World War II (1939-1945), American badminton players came to prominence in international play. In the 1940s David Freeman was recognized as the world’s best player. He won seven United States singles titles (1939-1942, 1947, 1948, 1953) and the All-England singles title (1949). He remained unbeaten in singles competition from the age of 19 until he retired at age 33. American-born player Judy Devlin Hashman dominated the women’s game during the 1950s and 1960s; she became a naturalized citizen of Britain in 1970. England’s Gillian Gilks dominated women’s singles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles play during the early 1970s.

       Badminton’s first world championships were held in 1977. Denmark’s Flemming Delfs and Lene Koppen won the men’s and women’s singles titles, respectively. Since then, East Asian nations—primarily China and Indonesia—have dominated professional badminton. In both countries, badminton is as popular as basketball is in the United States or soccer is in Britain. Spectators at matches typically sing, chant, and cheer for their favorite players or teams.

       C Recent Developments

       Individuals from China and Indonesia have won numerous world championship titles. Men’s singles world champions include Rudy Hartono (1980) of Indonesia and Yang Yang (1987, 1989), Zhao Jianhua (1991), and Sun Jun (1999) of China. Women’s world champions include Indonesia’s Susi Susanti (1993) and China’s Ye Zhaoying (1995, 1997).

       The most noted doubles player is South Korean men’s star Park Joo Bong, who won an Olympic gold medal in men’s doubles in 1992 and a silver medal in mixed doubles in 1996.

       Denmark is also a badminton powerhouse, with players such as 1996 men’s Olympic gold medalist Poul-Erik Hoyer-Larsen, 1997 men’s world champion Peter Rasmussen, and 1999 women’s world champion Camilla Martin.


       [no; nou]

       (knew[nu,nju; nju:]; known[non; noun])


       1 知道,懂得

       a. 知道<事实等>,知悉,了解

       He ~s the truth of the matter.


       I ~ all about that.


       You ought to ~ your place.

       你应该认清自己的身分 (低) (应该懂 (对待尊长的) 礼节)

       He ~s all the answers. (

       口语)他 (似乎) 无事不知(万事通)

       The space shuttle as we ~ it is still imperfect.

       像现在有的 [目前的这种] 太空梭仍然不完美

       b. 知道…

       I ~ that she was once a singer.


       You must ~ that..


       c. [I don't ~] (口语)不以为…,以为不…

       I don't ~ that I will attend the party.


       d. 知道…

       Please let us ~ when you are coming.


       There is no ~ing what may happen to them.


       She doesn't ~ what she is talking about.


       Poor Mother didn't ~ whether [if] she was coming or going.


       Do you ~ how to drive a car?.


       I just didn't ~ which way to turn.


       e. 知道…是…

       I ~ him to be a great reader.


       He was known as a reliable man.


       (cf. known adj. 2)

       2 与<人>相识 [熟悉]

       I ~ her by sight [by name, to speak to].

       我跟她只是面熟 (并不相识) [知道她的名字,在遇到她时会讲几句话的泛泛之交而已]

       I have known him since he was a child.


       They ~ each other very well.



       a. 熟悉,精通,懂

       She ~s French.


       He ~s his business.

       他精通 [熟悉] 他的业务

       b. (去过多次而) 熟悉<地方>

       I ~ the place well.


       c. 背会 <台词等>

       The actor ~s his lines.


       4 [用完成式或过去式] 看[听]过…

       I have never known him tell a lie. (.

       据我所知) 他没有说 过谎言

       I never knew her to come on time.


       Rules have been known to be broken.


       5 a. 尝受 <幸、不幸等> ,经历,体验

       She knew many sorrows in her early life.


       I have seldom known such bitter weather.


       b. (凭经验) 知道…

       He ~s what it is to go hungry.


       c. 经历,体验

       The country has known no war for many centuries.


       6 a. 分别出,辨识出! (recognize)

       I knew him at once.


       I ~ a lady when I see one.


       b. [由…]辨认…[by]

       A tree is known by its fruit.


       c. 辨别… ,识别[from]

       She did not ~ fact from fiction.


       →not know a person from ADAM.

       7 <野心、欲望、好奇心等> 知道 <极限、例外等>

       His ambition ~s no bounds.



       1 a. 知道

       He thinks he ~s better than anybody.


       I don't ~. =I wouldn't ~.


       b. [同意对方的发言] (确实) 知道

       "Tomorrow's a holiday."-I ~.".



       知道 [关于…的事] ,听说 过[about]

       I don't ~ about that.

       那件事我不清楚; 嗯,这事我不确实知道

       Do you ~ about him?.

       你知道 [听说 过] 他的事 [一些有关他的风言风语] 吗?

       (cf. Do you know him?

       → v.t. 2)

       3 (虽非直接) 间接地知悉 [听说 过] […的事] [of]

       I ~ of him, but I don't know him.

       我听说 过他的事 (间接地知道) ,但并不认识他

       This is the best method I ~ of.


       →Not that I know of

       all one knows

       (1) 全力

       I did all I knew.


       (2) 全力地

       and I don't know what [who] (else)

       (口语)还有许多 [各式各样的] 东西[人]

       before one knows where one is

       (口语)刹那间,一眨眼工夫; 不知不觉地

       Don't I know it!

       (口语)很不幸,我知道了; 我还会不知道吗


       I've got to wash all those dishes, ~.

       这些盤子我都得洗,我还会不知道吗 !

       for all [(古.文语)aught] ? know

       (不太清楚,不过据我所知) 大概,也许

       He may be a good man for all I ~.


       God [Heaven] knows

       (1) 上帝知道…,我发誓…,的确是…

       God ~s that it is true.


       (2) 上帝才知道…,天晓得 [没有人知道] …

       God ~s where he fled.


       The man has gone God ~s where.


       (3) 我不知道 (I don't know)

       好了,今天关于“shuttle through”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“shuttle through”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的学习中更好地运用所学知识。