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       . Recommendations

        1. To enhance the environmental awareness of teachers and students. First of all, school leaders need to pay sufficient attention to the school environment and environmental education. The formation of a reasonable comprehensive environmental education system, the concept of sustainable development to penetrate the conventional teaching and practice of school management.

        2. The building of the campus environment. As far as possible to increase the green area of the campus. Such as: the construction of the buildings around the green belt, suspended the implementation of Green Corridor, a good classroom lighting plant potted plants, such as the construction of roof gardens. Campus Green by hand so that teachers and students of management and, where appropriate, the participation of teachers and students to participate in the greening and beautifying the campus and personalized management. Nature can purify the soul of the United States to improve the efficiency of work and learning.

        3. To encourage teachers and students of the environmental protection acts. For example, the class is responsible for decontamination, green and beautify an area, mobilize the initiative of the students so that they show different personality green spaces, gardens. Classes of performance evaluation can be given in seven points. Environmental protection in each school in recognition of the advanced collectives and individuals. This can stimulate students to the enthusiasm of environmental protection.

        4. To the full implementation of the campus garbage separation and recovery, foster good teacher-student behavior, and create a clean and beautiful campus environment. Classification of teachers and students from the little things refuse to allow care resources, the protection of the environment in the atmosphere to form Woodland Middle School and became a model for schools in Shenzhen.

        5. In all aspects of school construction, embodies the concept of environmental protection. For example, the installation of solar water heater dormitories, classrooms, blackboards to use environmentally-friendly, comprehensive use of energy-saving lamps, the realization of three-dimensional Building Green, declined to a one-off tableware and so on.

        6. To reduce the printed notice, reasonable order reference. (1) schools should make full use of campus network, the class teacher and the student leaders meetings, verbal communication and other means to inform the General Assembly to achieve the ultimate effect of saving paper. At the same time, to be precise, accurate, and issuance of notice of non-repetition. (2) Schools should be the basis of the survey work of this payment, the "small number of many" distribution systems to reduce waste. (3) Office of Academic Affairs to purchase reference books for students, it should fully consider the actual choices students information, the information in order to avoid "setting instead of" the waste.

        7. Resolutely resist the one-off tableware. Schools can purchase cutlery reunification, unity cleansing, disinfection, and students bring their own chopsticks spoon, it will be possible to reduce the use of disposable tableware large amount of white pollution emissions. However, in order to allow teachers and students support this initiative, the school should be in uniform cleaning and disinfection efforts to ensure that clean tableware.

        8. To take effective biological and physical measures to control automobile exhaust Hung Lai Road, and noise pollution. Selection of suitable tree species such as the formation of dust-proof wall insulation, installation of noise equipment. Make our school teachers and students in an increasingly better environment to learn to work happily.

        So that teachers and students recognize the significance of environmental protection it! The construction of the beautiful school environment for teachers and students to be in a good environment to invest in their own role. Decision-making in each of the deep can the concept of environmental protection, making the most optimal allocation of resources for maximum effectiveness. The overall improvement of the school's software and hardware environment, and increase the attractiveness of schools and influence greater enhance the school's overall strength, enhance the school's reputation, create model schools nationwide.

       回答者: mair0624 - 助理 二级 2009-7-11 19:01

       Fifth, suggested that 1. raises teachers' and students' environmental consciousness. First, the School leader needs enough to take the school environment and the environmental education work. Forms the reasonable consummation the environmental education system, seeps the sustainable development idea to the conventional teaching and in the conventional school administration. 2. construction excellent surroundings campus environment. Should enhance in the campus as far as possible the afforested area. For example: Around various buildings constructs the treelawn, the corridor to implement the hanging to afforest, the natural lighting good classroom planter pot plant, to construct the roof garden and so on. The campus afforests by the specialist management and lets the teachers and students participation suitably, the teachers and students participate in the campus the afforested beautification and the personalized management. Nature US may purify the mind, enhances works and studies the efficiency. 3. Encourages the teachers and students the environmental protection behavior. For example, each class is responsible to purify, the afforestation, to beautify a region, transfers its schoolmates' subjective initiative, lets them demonstrate the different individuality green space, the garden. To displays the prominent class and grade to be possible to give the awarded marks in seven comparisons. Each school year school commendation environmental protection advanced group and individual. This may stimulate schoolmates the environmental protection the enthusiasm. 4. Implements the classified recycling comprehensively to campus trash, raises the teachers and students good behavior custom, the building clean artistic campus environment. The teachers and students start from refuse classification's minor matter, let the loving care resources, the protection environment atmosphere form in the green jade garden middle school, and becomes Shenzhen various schools the model. 5. in the school various aspects' construction, manifests the environmental protection the idea. For example the student's dormitory installs the solar-powered water heater, the classroom use environmental protection blackboard, the comprehensive use energy conservation lamps and lanterns, the classroom building to realize the three-dimensional afforestation, to reject disposable tableware and so on.

       6. reduced written notice's printing, orders the reference book reasonably. (1) the school should use the campus net, the teacher in charge as well as student ways as far as possible and so on cadre conference, oral transmission and congress notice achieves saves with the paper final effect. Simultaneously must achieve precisely, accurate, not redundant prints and distributes the written notice. (2) the school should provide the busy book above the investigation foundation, implements “few many times” the provide system may reduce the waste. (3) the school administration office when purchases the reference book for the student, should fully consider the student chooses the material actually, in order to avoid creates the material “subscribes does not use” the waste phenomenon. 7. resists the disposable tableware firmly. The school may unify the purchase tableware, the unification clean, the disinfection, and brings the chopsticks bucket by the student, like this may reduce the disposable tableware great amount of use, the white pollution withdrawal. But to let the teachers and students support this action, the school should in the unification clean, the disinfection aspect work hard, guarantees tableware's clean health. 8. adopts the effective biology, the physical measure to guard against the red litchi road automobile exhaust and the noise pollution. For example the seed selection appropriate tree seed forms the dustproof sound-insulated wall, the installment sound-insulated equipment and so on. Causes my school teachers and students to work joyfully a day by day in happy environment the study. lets the entire school teachers and students realize to the environmental protection significance! Constructs the exquisite school environment, lets teacher and the student can invest in the good environment in own role. Can penetrate the environmental protection in each decision-making the idea, enables the resources to obtain the optimized disposition, the display maximum potency. The whole improves the school softly, the hard environment, increases the school the attraction and the influence, a greater degree strengthens the school the overall strength, enhances the school prestige, creates the national demonstrative school.ok.

       unable 英[?n?e?bl]? 美[?n?e?bl]。adj. 不能的; 无法; 未能; 没有所需技能(或力量、时间、知识等)。

       She is unable to conceive.她不能怀孕。 The system is unable to log you on.这个系统无法让你登录。She was unable to keep back her tears.她无法忍住泪水。I was unable to shake off my self-pity.我无法从自怜中摆脱出来。

       She was unable to contain her excitement.她无法抑制内心的激动。He was unable to control his sensibility.他无法控制自己敏锐的情感。She was unable to restrain her desperate anger.她无法抑制她那不顾一切的愤怒。

       The company is unable to absorb such huge losses.公司无法承担如此巨大的亏损。The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass.道路太窄,汽车无法通过。He was unable to contain his own destructive feelings.他无法克制自己的消极情绪。

       The police have been unable to serve a summons on him.警方一直无法把传票送达他本人。 They were unable to mobilize the resources they needed.他们无法调用他们需要的资源。
