mental clarity_mental clarity aid

       接下来,我将针对mental clarity的问题给出一些建议和解答,希望对大家有所帮助。现在,我们就来探讨一下mental clarity的话题。


mental clarity_mental clarity aid



       读音:英 [?mentl]。



       1、mental health:心理健康;精神健康。

       2、mental state:心理状态;精神状态;身心状态。

       3、mental clarity:头脑清晰。

       4、mental discipline:心智训练。

       5、mental exhaustion:精神疲惫。

       6、mental note:读心记事。

       7、make a mental note:记在心里;记在脑子里。

       8、mental labor:脑力劳动。

       9、mental handicap:心理缺陷;智力障碍。

       10、mental deficiency:心理缺陷;智力缺陷。


       1、The government has set up a task force to survey?mental?health services.


       2、As his words penetrated, she saw a?mental?picture of him with Dawn.


       3、Ratings are calculated by dividing a child's?mental?age by their chronological age.


       4、The assumption of radical differences between the?mental?attributes of literate and non-literate peoples.


       5、The attack has left?mental?scars on Terry and his family.


       6、The?Mental?Health Foundation, of which Her Royal Highness is Patron.


       7、Monsters can be understood as?mental?projections of mankind's fears.


       8、The brain is involved in the outworking of?mental?processes.


       9、An organization working for a better life for people diagnosed or treated as having?mental?illness.


       10、She was 65 but had a?mental?age of two.


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