

1.for moral reasoning in action中文翻译



for moral reasoning in action中文翻译

        It is mankind ' s instinct for moral reasoning in action


        For moral reasoning in action


        When that happens , it is not a mistake : it is mankind ' s instinct for moral reasoning in action , an instinct that should be encouraged raher than laughed at


        When that happens , it is not a mistake : it is mankind ' s instinct for moral reasoning in action , an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at


        When that happens , it is not a mistake : it is mankinds instinct for moral reasoning in action , an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at



        He set his face down this toward madison square , for the homing instinct survives even when the home is a park bench


        From the legal science angle looked at the property rights , it has many characteristics : property rights legal characteristic main performance for pleteness , absolute , constancy , exclusiveness , homing instinct , separation , and social


       Act on Instinct(凭直觉行动)

       We are going to have to act (我们将要采取行动)

       if we want to live in a different world (如果我们希望生活在一个不同的世界)

       We are going to have to act (我们将采取行动)

       There is a very unstable situation on the ground (一个很不稳定的局势正在崛起)

       that is unfolding very quickly (它会迅速展开)

       move towards more ideas that will actually help (向更多的想法靠近,而能切实有所帮助)

       a...bring this thing to an end (使此事得以圆满)

       We are going to have to act (我们将要采取行动)

       We are going to have to act (我们将要采取行动)

       There is a very unstable situation on the ground(一个很不稳定的局势正在崛起)

       that is unfolding very quickly(它将会迅速蔓延)
