丰田toyota汽车广告_丰田汽车 广告 _丰田汽车 广告





丰田toyota汽车广告_丰田汽车 广告


       原唱是The Beatles,歌名叫In my life,被TOYOTA买来版权,重新女声翻唱的,女声翻唱版本网上找不到,如果要下载原唱,可以去下面地址:


       It's a wonderful world

       A wonderful day

       Live your life take a chance

       And friends will be friends [repeat]

       Life isn't always fair

       but that doesn't make it easier

       When you haven't won

       And I know life has a brighter side

       But darkness makes me feel better

       Than staring at the sun

       Breath in

       Gonna find your flow

       Gonna take it slow

       No matter what it takes

       It's a wonderful world

       A wonderful day

       Live your life take a chance

       And friends will be friends


       Lost love, lost ones

       Don't what your going thru

       Bad days, bad words

       Don't like what they're telling you

       Wrong and right don't always shed some light

       To help you see what's good

       A wonderful day

       Take it slow

       Don't you know

       No matter what it takes

       It's a wonderful world

       A wonderful day

       Live your life take a chance

       And friends will be friends









       Buick: In Search of Excellence.


       Mercedes-Benz:Engineered to move the human spirit.


       Toyota:Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.


       Not all cars are created equal.

       三菱汽车: 并非所有的汽车都有雷同的品德。

       Buick: Buick-your key to a better life and a better world.

       别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.

       Our wheels are always turning.

       五十铃汽车: 我们的车轮常转不停。

       Mazda :Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 a part. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.

       马自达:式样与性能的和谐一致使新型马自达6与众不同。质量是马自达的核心 。

       new Audi A4 :We would never say the new Audi A4 is the best in its class. We don’t have to.

       奥迪A4: 我们基本不必说新型奥迪A4同类车中最好的。没有这个必要。

       Honda: For the Road Ahead.


       Chevrolet: Future for my future.

       雪弗兰: 未来,为我而来。

       NISSAN : Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride.

       NISSAN 汽车:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途高兴。

       NISSAN:Shift the future


       LEXUS:The relentless pursuit of perfection.

