copy of passport

       大家好,今天我想和大家分享一下我在“copy of passport”方面的经验。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来学习吧。


2.Send a photocopy of your passport to——XXX邮箱,请问这是什么意思,护照的复印件怎么发到邮箱里啊。。




copy of passport






       mendation from sponsor or proof of guarantee of all living expenses in Indonesia.

        * Proof of a return ticket, or a ticket to continue travel to another country

        * Copy of passport

        * Two recent color photographs 4x6cm (passport size)

        * Visa fee payment receipt

        4. Applicant’s documents and its attachments should be submitted to the locket officer. After checking applicant’s documents, applicant will receive visa fee payment receipt. Applicants should pay the bill to the authorized bank (Bank of China Sanlitun Branch, No.6 West Six Street, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027) or through all branches of Bank of China. Fee for the bank service charge is ? 10 (ten yuan).

        Payment also can be submitted through Post Machine which is located at the locket. Payment made by Post Machine is subject to 0.008% surcharge.

        5. After payment made, locket officer will return applicant’s materials with its receipt payment which had been paid and stamped by banking officer or payment receipt of the post machine, afterwards visa administration process will be carried out.

        6. Direct authorization from Director General of Immigration of The Republic of Indonesia is needed for the following visa applications :

        * visa applied by applicant who holds no travel document issued by a country

        * limited stay visa (temporary resident permit)

Send a photocopy of your passport to——XXX邮箱,请问这是什么意思,护照的复印件怎么发到邮箱里啊。。


        Academic Year 2017 Keio ?Design the Future? Award for International Students


        1. Eligibility Criteria


        ① This award is open to international students of high academic standing and character who satisfy the following requirements at the time of their application being reviewed:

        ① 该奖学金向具备高学术水准和品质的且在申请之时满足以下要求的国际学生开放:

        1) The student must be an applicant to one of the graduate schools of Keio University for entry in either April or September 2017, or in April 2018, and must have received the recommendation of the graduate school.

        2) The student must be an applicant to either a Master?s Program, Ph.D. Program, or a Professional Degree Program, for entry as a regular student.

        3) The student must have completed 15 years of formal education and have obtained their undergraduate degree outside Japan, or are expected to obtain their undergraduate degree before entering Keio University. However, students who have obtained, or are expected to obtain, their undergraduate degree at a Japanese institution are not eligible.

        1) 所申请的院系必须是庆应义塾大学研究生院,入学时间必须是2017年四月或九月或2018年四月,并且已经收到研究生院的推荐。


        3) 申请人在进入庆应义塾大学学习之前,必须已经完成15年的正式教育,必须已经获得日本以外的本科学位或者即将获得本科学位。在日本教育机构获得或即将获得本科学位的学生没有资格申请。

        ② The student cannot be a recipient of another scholarship at the same time as receiving this award.

        ③ Incoming international students participating in a double degree program (hereafter ?DD international students?) are eligible.

        ※The student may not participate in overseas activities for a period of more than 6 months while they are receiving the award.


        ③ 参加双学位项目的即将入学的国际学生(即双学位国际生)有资格申请。


        2. Award Benefits

        a.Full tuition and fees at Keio University (However, this does not apply to DD international students)

        b.A monthly stipend of JPY 200,000

        c.A one-time preparation grant of JPY 150,000 (including a travel subsidy)



        b.每月奖金为200,000 日元

        c. 150,000 日元的一次性准备奖金(包括旅游补贴)

        3. Duration of Award

        A maximum of two years for students in a Master?s Program and a maximum of three years for students in a Ph.D. or Professional Degree Program. (Please note: for a student who earns his/her degree before the end of the specified period, the award will be stopped once the degree is earned)

        DD international students can only receive the award during the period enrolled at a Keio University graduate school and while taking the degree program at that graduate school.




        4. Number of Recipients

        A few awards are given each year.



        The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program - Master's Degree Program in Taxation Policy and Management


        Terms of Scholarship

        Five awards for the 2017 academic year

        Two years (April 2017 to March 2019)

        The scholarship provides benefits for the recipient only, covering:

        - Tuition, related fees, and required medical insurance for the student only, payable directly to Keio University.

        - Monthly stipend of JPY 152,000. This amount is paid on a semi-annual basis, and covers living expenses, including rent, and books.

        - Economy-class travel ticket in both directions between the home country and Tokyo.

        - Travel allowance of US$500 for each direction.









        Application Criteria

        1.Be a national of a Bank member country that is eligible to receive Bank financing and not be a national of any country that is not eligible to receive the Bank financing.

        2.Not be a dual citizen of any developed country.

        3.Be in good health with respect to the capacity to be a productive scholar for the duration of the Graduate Program, as certified by a medical doctor.

        4.Hold a Bachelor?s degree or its equivalent with superior academic achievement earned more than three (3) years before the Scholarship Application Deadline.

        5.Not received any scholarship funding to earn a Graduate degree or its equivalent from any sources funded by the government of Japan.

        6.Be employed in a paid and full time position at the time of the Scholarship Application Deadline unless the applicant is from a country identified in the World Bank?s ?Harmonized List of Fragile Situations?.

        7.Have, by the time of the Scholarship Application Deadline, at least three (3) years of recent full time paid professional experience acquired in development-related work after a Bachelor?s degree or its equivalent in the applicant?s home country or in another developing country; If the applicant is from a country identified in the World Bank?s ?Harmonized List of Fragile Situations? at the time of the Scholarship Application Deadline, the recent professional experience does not have to be full time or paid.

        8.Be under the age of forty-five (45) on the Application Deadline date.

        9.Not be an Executive Director, his / her alternate, staff of the World Bank Group (the World Bank, International Development Association, International Finance Corporation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes), or a close relative of the aforementioned by blood or adoption with the term ?close relative? defined as: Mother, Father, Sister, Half-sister, Brother, Half-brother, Son, Daughter, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, or Nephew.

        10.Admitted to the University unconditionally or conditionally only upon securing financing.

        11.Demonstrate proficiency in the English language at the level of a TOEFL score of 550(PBT), 213(CBT) or 79 (iBT) or better, or an IELTS score of 6.0 or better.

        12.Meet any other criteria for admission established by Keio University.

        13.Applicants must not be currently pursuing a Master?s or Ph.D. program in industrialized countries.

        14.Applicants must not have had one or more years of training / studies and / or residency in an industrialized country.

        15.Applicants must not be permanent residents / nationals of industrialized countries.


        1.有资格享受世界银行金融理财的世界银行成员国公民,没有资格享受世界银行金融理财的 国家的公民不能申请;















        Application Documents

        Application checklist*

        Application form (5 pages)*

        Two letters of recommendation* [from two people who have direct knowledge of the applicant?s professional experience]

        Letter of recommendation [from university professor]* (optional)

        Medical certificate*

        TOEFL or IELTS results [other certifications are NOT acceptable]

        Transcript of records [Original or certified by the university]

        Diploma / certificate of graduation [Original or certified by the university]

        True copy of passport, birth certificate or any OFFICIAL document showing the date of birth of the applicant

        Proof of employment

        *Prescribed form













        1All students admitted to the Master?s Degree Program in Taxation Policy and Management at Keio University will receive a Joint Japan /World Bank Graduate Scholarship.

        2.The maximum period of funding is two years.

        3.The award may not be deferred or extended for any reason.

        4.At the conclusion of the program, recipients of the JJ /WBGSP scholarship must return to their home countries, where they will apply their enhanced knowledge and skills to help accelerate the pace of economic and social development. Therefore, you cannot expect to pursue a Ph.D program.

        5.If a student fails to obtain the master?s degree within the above scholarship period, return airfare will not be provided.

        6.The JJ /WBGSP does not allow multiple awards from other funding agencies. I f awarded a partial scholarship from other funding agencies or universities, the student must provide the JJ /WBGSP with detailed information about this scholarship.

        7.Applicants should have demonstrable assurance of re-employment by an appropriate tax-related public body in their home country upon program completion.

        8.Priority consideration will be given to applicants who are officials of tax administration in active service.

        9.After graduation, alumni shall keep in touch with Keio and the World Bank.













       1. 拍一张照片,存为文档

       2. 把护照扫描一次,同样存为文档

       3. 把机票内容(如果网上订购,有具体内容可以打印扫描或者直接下载),存为文档。如果拿到机票,可以扫描、拍照后存档。(有些代理、网点可以把航班详情打印给你,你先问问有没有)






       Business Visa Requirements 商务签证

       1.Formal invitation letter (original) 邀请函原件;

       2.Copy of inviter's Company Registration in Nigeria 邀请公司营业执照复印件;

       3.Two Copies of inviter's International passport or CERPAC Card (Green Card) 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;

       4.Original Dispatching Letter 国内公司派遣函原件

       5.Bank Statement of the Dispatching Company 国内派遣公司银行对账单

       6.Copy of Applicant's International Passport Data Page 申请人护照复印件

       7.Online Visa Application Form (with one recent passport photograph attached) 在线签证申请表格(附一张护照照片)

       8.Documentary evidence of online payment 在线支付付款凭证

       9.Possession of return air tickets / itinerary 往返机票

       10.Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation 尼日利亚酒店预定单

       TWP (Temporary Work Permit) Requirements 临时工作签证

       1.Formal invitation letter (original) 邀请函原件

       2.Copy of inviter's Company Registration in Nigeria 尼方邀请公司营业执照复印件

       3.Copy of inviter's passport/resident permit 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;

       4.Original Dispatching Letter 国内公司派遣函原件

       5.Bank Statement of the Dispatching Company国内派遣公司银行对账单

       6.Copy of Applicant's International Passport Data Page申请人护照复印件

       7.Online Visa Application Form (with one recent passport photograph)在线签证申请表格(附一张护照照片)

       8.Documentary evidence of online payment在线支付付款凭证

       9.Possession of return air tickets / itinerary 往返机票

       10.Evidence of hotel reservation / Accomodation. 尼日利亚酒店预定单

       11.Original & copy of telegraphic advise issued by the Comptroller General of Immigration 临时工作许可原件及复印件

       STR (Subject to Regularisation) Requirements 长期工作签证

       1.Invitation letter (original and copy) 邀请函原件及复印件

       2.Certificate of Incorporation (2 copies) 尼方邀请公司营业执照复印件(2份)

       3.Copy of Passport / Green Card of signatory (2 copies) 邀请人护照复印件,邀请人为中国人请提供长期居留绿卡复印件;(2份)

       4.Formal letter of employment & contract agreement (original and copy) 正式的雇佣信函及合同原件及复印件

       5.Expatriate quota of employing organization (original & 2 copies) 配额原件及2份复印件

       6.Employee's acceptance letter (2 copies) 受雇者接收函 2份

       7.Resume (2 copies) 受雇者个人简历 2份

       8.Passport copy of applicant (2 copies) 申请人护照复印件 2份

       9.Online visa Payment slip with one recent passport photograph (2 copies) 在线申请支付凭证 付护照照片 2份

       10.Online visa application Form 在线签证申请表格

       11.Possession of air ticket 机票

       12.Two copies of completed STR forms with with recent photos attached. STR申请表格两份 付近期照片

       13.Notarized educational qualification or professional qualification 外交部及尼使馆认证的学历或职业技术公证书

       14.Notarized health certificate including HIV/AIDS Test page 外交部及尼使馆认证的健康体检公证书

       其实资料齐全可以自己试着去面签 比较简单!




       1、 可行性研究报告(原件);

       Feasibility Study Report (Original version);

       2、 公司章程(原件);

       Articles of Association (Original version);

       3、 投资方开业证明(复印件),认证书(原件);

       The investor's certificate of corporation and business license

       (copies), Notarization by China consulate(original);

       如是个人投资方, 则提供个人护照复印件, 及护照的大使馆认证。

       If the investor is a person, should submit the passport of this person, and the copy of passport should be notarized by Chinese embassy

       4、 银行资信证明(原件二份);

       The investor's documents of testimonial and financial credit from

       Bank (original version);

       如是个人投资方, 则提供个人存款证明, 大于等于投资额度。

       If the investor is a person, should submit the financial certificate, such as deposit certificate, and the account balance should be more than the amount of investment.

       5、 投资方法定代表人身份证明(如护照复印件);

       The passport copy of legal representative of the investor (copy);

       6、 投资方前三年公司年报或经审计的财务报表;

       The audit report of the investor in the report three year, which is

       Audited by accountant firms;

       7、 拟设立公司经营的商品种类及进出口商品目录;

       Catalogues of import and export commodities of the WFOE;

       8, 新公司场地租房协议(原件)及房产证(复印件); 房屋租赁备案表(由房屋所属房地产交易中心出示)

       Office lending agreement (original version), Certificate of house

       Property (copies); Certificate of Registration of Real Estate of Shanghai (original version)

       9, 董事会成员委派书及其身份证明(护照复印件);

       Appointing Letter the board members of WFOE, and their

       Passport copies;

       10, 如有授权签字,签字授权书(原件);

       Power of Attorney if needed (original version);

       11, 名称登记申请书;

       Name Registration Book;

       12, 外资企业登记申请书;

       Foreign-funded Registration Book;

       13, 法定代表人一寸照片两张;

       Two one-inch-size photos of the legal representative of WFOE;

       14, 委托书

       Entrusting Letter.


       Hello,I'm MR.WANG ,in Beijing.When fulfilling the invitation from China,I need the following materials:

       1 You need to fill in the form in the enclosure.(The information must be accurate)

       2 You should offer the hard copy of passport of personnel oversea.If he had been to China,please offer his CERTIFICATIONS PAGE .

       When you are ready,please send to me ,I will handle procedures for you.

       You can get the invitation for about 1 week.

       非常高兴能与大家分享这些有关“copy of passport”的信息。在今天的讨论中,我希望能帮助大家更全面地了解这个主题。感谢大家的参与和聆听,希望这些信息能对大家有所帮助。