power shuttle

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4.英语演讲:The power of words

power shuttle




        驱逐舰 Destroyer DD

        轻巡洋舰 Light Cruiser CL

        重巡洋舰 Heavy Cruiser CA

        战列舰 Battleship BB

        重炮(潜水重炮舰) bm

        正规航母 Aircraft Carrier CVA

        轻航母 Light Carrier CVL

        水上机母 Seaplane Carrier AV


        carrier vessle。前者是运载器的意思,后者是船舶之意。如果后缀还要加个N,CVN,是核动力航母的意思。N就表示 Nuclear核动力.


        潜水艇 Submarine SS

        潜母 Submarine Tender AS

        补给舰 Fast Combat Support Ship AOE


        网络用语:“菜鸟”比喻很废 :网络用语:“处女”或“ *** ”





        ORV是Off-Road Vehicle的缩写,也就是越野车 ,是一种为越野而特别设计的汽车,主要是指可在崎岖地面使用的越野车辆这些汽车能在质量很差的路面或者根本没有路的地区上行驶。

Off Road Vehicles的缩写是什么?是啥意思?





SBTX是啥意思 TX是什么的缩写?



*** 是什么词的缩写?是啥意思?

        SM Single Mode

        ****** SM Small (size)

        ****** SM Service Mark

        ****** SM Smooth Muscle (biology)

        ****** SM Santa Maria (California)

        ****** SM Surface Mount

        ****** SM Sales Manager

        ****** SM Sailor Moon (anime)

        ****** SM San Marino

        ****** SM Smart Media (data storage)

        ****** SM Shopping Mall

        ****** SM Slave Master

        ****** SM Sheet Metal

        ****** SM Senior Member

        ****** SM Santa Monica (California)

        ****** SM Systems Management

        ****** SM Super Mario (Nintendo game)

        ****** SM System Management

        ****** SM Service manager (US DoD)

        ****** SM Sutton (postcode, United Kingdom)

        ****** SM Superman

        ****** SM Submarine

        ****** SM Security Management

        ****** SM Service Module (Russian-made unit No 2 of International Space Station)

        ****** SM Service Module (power/propulsion section of US Apollo spacecraft)

        ****** SM Senior Manager

        ****** SM Silver Medal

        ****** SM Master of Science

        ****** SM Serbia and Montenegro

        ****** SM Service Menu

        ****** SM Shared Memory

        ****** SM Short Message

        ****** SM Simple Minds (band)

        ****** SM Samarium

        ***** SM Singlemode

        ***** SM Security Manager

        ***** SM Sergeant Major

        ***** SM Size Matters

        ***** SM Servicing Mission

        ***** SM System Monitor

        ***** SM Scientific Method

        ***** SM Shader Model

        ***** SM Scheduled Maintenance

        ***** SM System Manager

        ***** SM Skim Milk

        ***** SM Skymiles (Delta Frequent Flyer Program)

        ***** SM Snail-Mail

        ***** SM Stepmania (dance simulator)

        ***** SM Service Member

        ***** SM Segundamano (second hand bargain stores in the Philippines)

        ***** SM Shoot Me

        ***** SM Shawn Michaels (Pro Wrestler)

        ***** SM Semiconductor Manufacturing

        ***** SM Sado-Masochi ***

        ***** SM Sa Majesté (French: His/Her Majesty)

        ***** SM Support Manager

        ***** SM Senior Minister

        ***** SM Shoe Mart

        ***** SM Stormed

        ***** SM Scoutmaster (Boy Scouts of America)

        ***** SM Syringomyelia (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)

        ***** SM Su Majestad (Spanish: His/Her Majesty)

        ***** SM Shoemart (Manila, Philippines)

        ***** SM Smash Mouth (band)

        ***** SM Shure Microphone

        ***** SM Super Metroid (video game)

        ***** SM Saint Marc (French School; Alexandria, Egypt)

        ***** SM Self-Mutilation

        ***** SM Structural Model

        ***** SM Selective Muti *** (anxiety disorder)

        ***** SM Schistosoma Mansoni

        ***** SM Shuttle Mission (NASA)

        ***** SM Serratia Marcescens

        ***** SM Syndicat de La Magistrature (French: Union of Magistrates)

        ***** SM Servomotor

        ***** SM Set Mode

        ***** SM Super Metroid (game)

        ***** SM Switching Module

        ***** SM Selective Media (cell plating)

        ***** SM Spare Me

        ***** SM Secondary Mirror

        ***** SM Simple Machine

        ***** SM Security Monitor

        ***** SM SourceMod (gaming)

        ***** SM Styrene Monomer

        **** SM Synchronous Motor

        **** SM Shigeru Miyamoto (video game producer)

        **** SM Swollen Members (band)

        **** SM Shawn Marion (NBA Player)

        **** SM Structure Model

        **** SM Silver Medallion (Delta Sky Miles)

        **** SM Super Mall (Philippines)

        **** SM Surgical Margin

        **** SM Selling Manager (Ebay selling tool)

        **** SM Small Manufacturing

        **** SM Satellite Modem

        **** SM Simple Multicast (puter neorking)

        **** SM Sclerosis Multiplex (Latin: Multiple Sclerosis)

        **** SM Samarai

        **** SM Song Meanings

        **** SM Samsung Motors

        **** SM Security Manual

        **** SM Secretaría de Marina (Spanish: Secretariat of the Navy, Mexico)

        **** SM Spiritual Master (religion)

        **** SM Synthetic Media (cell plating)

        **** SM Seamless Mobility

        **** SM Student Manager

        **** SM Single Manager

        **** SM Scanning Mode

        **** SM Soo Man (record pany)

        **** SM Supply Manual

        **** SM Scattering Matrix

        **** SM Sciences de La Matière (French: Science of Matter)

        **** SM Study Manager

        **** SM Smart Munitions

        **** SM Single-Family and Multi-Family (zoning)

        **** SM Shanghai Municipality

        **** SM Spectromètre de Masse (French: Mass Spectrometer)

        **** SM Shipping Manifest

        *** SM Seung Mina

        *** SM Strong Mad (homestarrunner. character)

        *** SM Slam Magazine

        *** SM Supervisor Manual

        *** SM Separation Module

        *** SM Silhouette Mirage (video game)

        *** SM Standby Monitor

        *** SM Script Mode

        *** SM Seine Majest?t (German: His Majesty)

        *** SM Subscriber Manager (Cisco)

        *** SM Scarlet Monastary (World of Warcraft game)

        *** SM Shading Model (change detector)

        *** SM Skyscraper Museum

        *** SM Sensitivity Measure

        *** SM Synchronous Multiplexer (Alcatel)

        *** SM Societas Mariae (Society of Mary, Marianists, religious order)

        *** SM Sarao Motors (manufacturer of passenger Jeepneys in the Philippines)

        *** SM SONET Multiplexer (Alcatel)

        *** SM Scatterable Mine

        *** SM Short Meter (hymnology)

        *** SM Support Magistrate (courts)

        *** SM Smagorinsky model

        *** SM Secretary's Memorandum (US DoD Joint Staff)

        ** SM Sequence Monitor

        ** SM Shrine Mont (Orkney Springs, VA)

        ** SM Slave Motor

        ** SM Surge Margin (pressor aerodynamics)

        ** SM Sub-Memory

        ** SM Step-Mom/Mother

        ** SM Swine Mycopla *** osis (swine enzootic pneumonia)

        ** SM Safeguards Measurements

        ** SM Suger Montano (Guatemala Central America, school)

        ** SM Syndicat de La Mesure (French: Union of Measure)

        ** SM Shoals Music (music industry magazine)

        ** SM Systèmes Microbiens (French: Microbial Systems)

        ** SM Directorate for Systems Management

        ** SM Siemens Metering AG

        ** SM Suomen Mestari/Mestaruus (Finnish Champion/Championship)

        ** SM Step/Stepping Motor

        ** SM Sponge Minion (Harry Potter)

        * SM (USN Rating) Signalman

        * SM Serial Magnitude

        * SM Sperm Measurement

        * SM Steele Matrix

        * SM Silly Muffins (viral video service)

        * SM Simple Mastectomy (surgical procedure)

        * SM Sphingomyelin (protein)

        * SM Spider Man

        * SM Spiderman

        * SM Spinal Meningitis

        * SM Spectrum Management

        * SM Space Mapping

        * SM Space Marine (Warhammer 40k)

        * SM Space Mirror

        * SM Space Mountain (Disney park)

        * SM Spatial Multiplexing

        * SM Special Mention (variant of OAEM and OLEM)

        * SM Special Message

        * SM Special Missions

        * SM Special Monthly

        * SM Specification Manual

        * SM Society of Mary (Marists, religious order)

        * SM Soft Money

        * SM Sofare Manager (KPA of CMM monly used by SEI)

        * SM Soil Moisture (agronomy)

        * SM Solar Mass (astronomy)

        * SM Solder Mask (semiconductor process)

        * SM Soldier's Manual

        * SM Soldier's Medal

        * SM Soul Man (song)

        * SM Soul Master (gaming)

        * SM Soul Mate

        * SM Snooker Master (USDAA dog agility title)

        * SM Social Mobility (sociology)

        * SM Splash Mountain

        * SM Stick Man

        * SM Stipendiary Magistrate (Australia and New Zealand)

        * SM Stock Market

        * SM Stanley Man (brokerage firm)

        * SM Star Museum (Entertainment; South Korean entertainment pany)

        * SM Stardust Memory (Gundam)

请问 That't是啥意思,是that谁的缩写


        英 [ts] 美 [ts]

        abbr.那是 (=that is)

        that's的用法和样例: that's that就这样







        即兴的, 临时穿插的




        ad-.libbed, ad-.lib.bing, ad-.libs


        To improvise and deliver extemporaneously.



        To engage in improvisation, as during delivery of a speech.




        AB是Asiabill的缩写,全称ASIABILL COMPANY LIMITED,一家做跨境支付的平台



































































       Jinhui shed to the land of the setting sun, the entire city covered like a cicada's wings of gold yarn, the earth casts a mysterious color.

       Toot of the horn sound of car, bike jingling ring, constitute a group of the early morning of instant Symphony.

       My home Calligonum Yantai Sunshine City, which like a shining pearl inlaid in the Shandong Peninsula on the coastal areas and territorial seas.

       Criss-crossing the traffic facilities, constitute the city's blood and skeleton, and promote the ancient city of Beijing into a modern international city march

       One night lights big放光明10,000, a building immediately幢幢put the clothes inlaid precious stones, also a street light shining into a Minghao Galaxy.

       Late at night, small town far from the lights like fireflies fly,忽闪忽闪getting dark, the city enveloped in dream like. Suzhou, this ancient city, it is a deep sleep. She lay quietly in the arms of the canal, like a silver river in the water.

       10,000 lights flashing, and I traveled in space as in the Galaxy, like the ancient capital of Chang'an in the view of the lantern.

       The night of beautiful cars on a street following a, next to a row of a row, as if running a string of bright pearls, and lines such as blinking stars in the mobile.

       If it is said that during the day, like Block, Emerald City, Guangzhou, then when the sun sank, Guangzhou has become a legendary luminous pearl, lighting such as the sea, thousands of St. flash.

       Cyclones rolled黄尘holding lime trivial, the whole town upsets the smoke, the crowded market was depressed up trouble.

       Nightfall, and a shining light of the lamp, like the one finally光灿灿payment to the legendary luminous pearl dot inlay on the town. Rainy night in town, little dim lights, turn像似like countless eyes closed.

       Photo麦苗large fields of sea, far and near the village green as the sea boat. Quiet field, which is far near the cottage near, beginning to emerge, such as beans 12 small lights, blinking shyly forward.

       River water, Micronesia as a cobweb, the round stone arch bridge, more like blisters after the rain.

       Dandelion holding a small golden flowers one after another, as if in praise of this spring water.

       Country lane, winding, like naughty children make fun of people, from time to time a little bit of his sight, not when the subduction.

       Home rivers, criss-crossing, Micronesia, such as web, can be regarded as the Oriental Venice.

       Goldfinch singing, jumping, and sometimes under the banner head, like a group of tireless children, to this quiet village has added more fun.

       Full Moon, like the day a great light, the mountain like a transparent mirror of the world crystal.

       Rongrong's the moon, like the milk of the ocean through the umbrella tree branches onto a small courtyard in the village earth walls.

       Madadayo village of smoke rising over, as if wearing a white girl in the dancing in the light of sunset snakes.

       Hee (xī) Flow (rǎng) throw into confusion, the street traffic, voices, like a pot of boiling water.

       Wide streets be like a conveyor belt to send to all people.

       High winds the past, under the pretext of the street, stalls and pedestrian, as if walking were a风卷, all disappeared, leaving only the wind狂舞as switchgrass.

       越刮越wind, and the streets of pedestrians, who落满a black face,像刚out by underground drilling.

       Article as travel lanes that snake-like, meandering in a row of tall buildings and the middle of a residential area.

       Lanes where no flowers, no trees,枯焦coke, dry and covered with a thick layer of dust, like a dried up (hé) of the stream.

       Suzhou-style alley is interesting, it clean and deep, and varied twists and turns, both Lane paving stone with shells, not Sha spring, summer rain has just passed, and will be able to wear cloth shoes with wet feet.

       I love the ordinary streets, I am familiar with its every corner, every piece of it with blue, brick on every crack. According to the bright lights of the street lights, like a beautiful mosaic of a string of pearls, pedestrian crossings, who seems to be put on a beautiful Technicolor.

       Bright street lights and the sky with the stars shine away, the entire market are immersed in a珠光宝气, the spectacular eyes.

       To the distance along the Avenue, a street-lamp sharp sharp, such as a former head no, not after the end of the Fire Dragon.

       Far has been near the last light of the street, at first like a fruit plate暗红gradually turned into a shining silver ball great.

       The road on both sides of the street lights bright, well look, shimmering like a long river.

       Street lights that circle the globe, such as for many tens of thousands of times to enlarge the pearl; when they are collected together, but also very much like a bunch of grapes

       Arrhizus that lamp post on a high擎着ball lamp lamp, blooming like a red one after another Dutch.

       To extend the distance of two rows of shiny out of the street lights, like the fire dragon is flying winds.

       Very distant from the street lamps cast a bunch of beam aperture, like snowflakes, like fireflies dancing in the light.

       One or two lights slouch, as if the eye is drowsy.

       Street lamps emit fluorescent dark red, like those of a drunkard drunkard red eye, flash flash in the looked at him.

       Surface covered with stones the size of dates, white, yellow, and暗红and colorful, like a free at the end of the ribbon.

       A winding stone path, disk-like sub-Chicken Wan river in the mountains.

       Layer in the small road leading to the lake, down a layer of leaves, full of little flowers like a snake skin.

       Wide range of style street car shuttle from, like a river in the flow of color.

       Pm, Shanghai, Nanjing Road aplanatic million lights, brilliant, and even the sky has also eclipsed the Xingyue.

       North-south highway, it planted with pines and cypresses, and on both sides of the Indus, like give it two green inlay on the lace.

       The beginning of the road clear after the rain like a mirror, the sun came in colorful colors.

       Zhengzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge, the bridge of the silver as a broad belt, a beam in the Yellow River on the first望不到to the surging Yellow River has added style.

       Lake crescent一弯as cross-bridge in the East right in the middle of the road from both ends of it into the distance.

       A huge pier, like a dragon's claws, deeply inserted into the rapids, and firmly holding the steel dragon of this.

       From afar, like a white stone belt, a waist in the soft water.

       That the bridge in the water, albeit not very clearly, as if ready to drift away like.

       Three holes with a stone bridge of垒成reflected in the water meniscus as a hook.

       Dusk, the sun in the top of the hill has left a long afterglow, near the ancient pagodas in the light of the setting sun, like a sword stands.

       For试比高with the peaks of the chimney, the billowing white smoke shoot out, light风拂alley, under the blue sky, forming a feathery touch of the long white clouds, like a book is横空disease巨笔white goose feather.

       Rows of the chimney, big mouth to shoot out the smoke in the sky black peony in full bloom.

       Chimney like a big black man running out of patience in from time to time, out of a restless heart Unit.

       Three tall chimney耸入air, quietly, like the old man in the three pumping旱烟.

       The night of their tall chimneys黑雾, it stained a dark dawn, the sunset dark stained and dark stained faces of the people.

       Flower garden each gesture: Some petals are carried out; have only started 23 petals; some bulging or round the buds, look, to the breakdown of satiety was immediately like.

       Chimonanthus街心garden, such as branches on a small落满Yellow Butterfly,沁人the heart of the fragrance issue.

       圆明round tablets in the ruins of one, the pillars stand tall, as if to tell the history of the elderly in the Eight-Power Allied Forces of evil. Xiangshan Park entered the door, the rise of distance, is the thing I saw the fiery red leaves, autumn, the hills surrounded by the living, like "Journey to the West" in the Huoyanshan.

       A gate into the park, two rows of magnificent trees, as if the guard of honor to welcome the arrival of the tourists.

       Stand level on both sides of a pair of lifelike lions, Zhang big mouth, big staring eyes, bell-like, powerful and majestic, such as the two guards on sentry duty.

       From afar, Yudai Bridge and the reflection surface to form a full circle, much like the surface of the water hold of a bright moon, a又似Weigela, was a gentle breeze blowing, floating in the water.

       From afar, on the 17-hole like a bridge falling Changhong Lake in Kunming.

       Bamboo trees in the backdrop of Linglong kiosk, Eclisse like a girl in a distant peep visitors.




       Not long future and, in particular, about 700 years later in 2700, the unscrupulous human will have the earth home environmental mess. The former days the garden, green space, street, urban...... Utterly be piled up by the trash of the occupation. Well, the human science and technology has completely can let yourself out of the earth, stayed elsewhere. They were forced to take shuttle from home, on a long trip to hold lots of the universe. Before I leave, they Buynlarge entrusted the company for the Earth to clean up garbage, the company developed called WALL ? E (Waste Allocation Load Lifters Earth the Earth Waste repacking member) robot bear this all the post.

       These listen to the program instructions of the robot continually swept rubbish, "left-behind" on the earth, working day and night to hard work. But many years passed, with the passage of time and the erosion of bad environment, a mountain of garbage is still, however, and the WALL ? E for damage, stop movement. Only last a rusty stains little robot, still went to the trouble in the litter busy every day, the never-ending.

       After a long long time, little robot began to use have their own consciousness. Optimistic it also gradually learned to like people of enjoy and enjoyment. It will be like collect baby carefully hidden from human ever use a racket, old ones have all become its toys,. Hundreds of years old song and dance drama "hello, dolly!" It also become leisure time "partner". In addition, there's a cockroach friends to join it. Until one day, a ship from the ship broke it invariable life..........

英语演讲:The power of words

       NBA Sortable Statistics Glossary




       Avg. per 48 min. Projects averages over 48 minutes, to compare productivity per minute played

       Last 15/30 days See which players are on a streak or in a slump by viewing statistics from recent action


       G Point guard/shooting guard

       SG Shooting guard

       PG Point guard

       GF Guard/forward

       F Small forward/power forward

       SF Small forward

       PF Power forward

       FC Forward/center

       C Center


       G Games

       Min Average minutes played per game

       FGA Field-goal attempts per game

       Pct Percentage of field goals made

       FTA Free-throw attempts per game

       Pct Percentage of free throws made

       3PM Total three-point field goals made

       Pct Percentage of three-point field goals made

       Off Offensive rebounds per game

       TReb Total rebounds per game

       Ast Assists per game

       Blk Average blocked shots per game

       Stl Average steals per game

       TO Average turnovers per game

       PAR Average points plus assists plus rebounds (PAR) per game

       A/TO Overall assist-to-turnover ratio (Total assists, divided by total turnovers)

       P/Sh Points scored per field-goal attempt ([Field goals made*2] + [3-point field goals made], divided by total field-goal attempts)

       BkSt/TO Overall block/steal-to-turnover ratio (Blocks plus steals, divided by turnovers)

       Raw totals

       G Games played

       Min Minutes played

       FGA Field-goal attempts

       FGM Field goals made

       FTA Free-throw attempts

       FTM Free throws made

       3PA Three-point field goals attempted

       3PM Three-point field goals made

       Reb Rebounds

       Ast Assists

       Blk Blocked shots

       Stl Steals

       TO Turnovers

       SportsZone Player Rating

       The Zone's player ratings measures a player's overall court contribution using the following formula:

       [Points + Rebounds + (Assists*2) + (Steals*2) + (Blocks*1.5) + (FTA*.20)] - [Missed FGA + Missed FTA + (DQ*5) + (Turnovers*2) + (PF*.20)]

       The words below are some of the most important used when talking about Sports.

       Sports - Equipment



       hockey ball

       golf ball



       golf club

       hockey stick


       racing car





       shuttle cock


       Sports - People


       badminton player

       basketball player




       footballer /football player



       hockey player



       racing driver


       rugby player



       snooker player

       squash player



       tennis player

       volleyball player


       Sports - Places









       Sports - Names of Sports

       athletics (do)

       badminton (play)

       basketball (play)




       football (play)

       golf (play)

       gymnastics (do)

       hockey (play)





       rugby (play)


       snooker (play)

       squash (play)



       tennis (play)

       volleyball (play)



       Sports - Related Words




















       Sports - Verbs

















       score (a point / a goal)












       More Word Groups

       The Body











       The Mind





       The Senses



       The Weather


       Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build psychological connections. They influence how we think. Since thoughts determine actions, there's a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get.

       Think about these two words: spend and invest. Would you like your bank to spend your money or invest it? Since spending implies the money is gone, you probably want a bank that invests. Now apply these same words to corporate budgets and see how that influences thinking. Early in my career, I saw budgets as allocated company money I had permission to spend. And I did spend it. I never thought of budgets as investing in the company's future until I was given profit and loss accountability for a new department and discovered my flawed thinking. I learned that in order to grow the department, I needed to budget with an investment mentality. Shifting words shifted my thinking and my results.

       Try these words: problem and challenge. Would you rather a boss see your mistake as a problem or as a challenge? It's more than semantics. Problems are fixed; challenges are met. Different words evoke different feelings. I have a more positive frame of mind meeting a challenge than fixing a problem. But a word of caution. I'm not suggesting you play the buzz-word game like a colleague of mine who walked into my office saying, "Do I have an opportunity for you." We both knew differently.

       Here are two favorites: bodies and people. As a young manager, I was jolted every time I heard another manager talking about how many "bodies" they needed, or putting "butts in seats." Later, I learned many of those managers struggled with departmental morale problems. I could understand why if they saw people as interchangeable pieces to a puzzle rather than individuals playing an important role in their departments.

       I realized the words I use to think and talk about my workload, my goals, my projects and the people I worked with influenced my thoughts and actions about them. So, I changed my words. If I say I work "for" someone I have a different vision about my work-life than if I work "with" them; same with my staff working with, not for me.

       Poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold people back. Well chosen ones can motivate, offer hope, create vision, impact thinking and alter results. I learned in twenty years in management my words have power over my thoughts and actions. They also impact and influence people I speak them to.


       There is much to be said for the power of words in any context: written, spoken, printed, or published on the web. Words are powerful because they enable us to communicate. This wondrous capacity is, without question, the most essential tool for the progress of mankind. I make this statement knowing that overstatement is a symptom of terrible writing. But the fact that this is not an overstatement testifies to how amazing words really are! Written words are filled with potential. They are like knowledge batteries, holding their charge until they are slotted into place. Written words unleash their power when they are plugged into the mind of the reader. Word choice and sentence structure determine your effectiveness in conveying meaning to your reader. Word power holds true on the web just as it does in print. Therefore, we should pay careful attention to our words, regardless of their manner of delivery.




       好了,今天关于“power shuttle”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的介绍对“power shuttle”有更全面、深入的认识,并且能够在今后的实践中更好地运用所学知识。